

Netra is a content comprehension company that uses computer vision and artificial intelligence to unlock the value of visual content. Their mission is to do for visual...

Netra is a content comprehension company that uses computer vision and artificial intelligence to unlock the value of visual content. Their mission is to do for visual content what search did for text. Netra offers a series of APIs that allow data scientists, developers, and product teams to generate insight-rich organized data sets from video, image, and text content. Their platform provides deeper understanding of video content, delivering analysis at scale with efficiency. Netra's flexible API makes video analysis accessible for all applications. Their AI-powered video-detection technology generates understanding of content that was previously only attainable by human viewers. Netra's solutions can be applied in various industries and use cases. The company provides high-fidelity classification of content and creative to amplify signal data without cookies, enabling data science teams to make informed decisions. Overall, Netra's products and services help businesses harness the power of visual content to create and capture value.





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